In the frame of this project we propose to utilise photocatalyst indicator inks in a CEN standard for the rapid testing of the activities of various different self-cleaning surfaces, including: glass, tiles, paints, fabrics and concrete. The key project objective is the start of CEN Preliminary Working Item (PWI) on photocatalyst activity-measuring inks for subsequent processing in CEN/TC386.
The proposed work is organised in six work packages (WPs) including a dissemination and exploitation WP and a project management WP.
- Work Package 1 (WP1) identifies and verifies different photocatalyst indicator inks for the purpose of a variety of different round robin tests on various different self-cleaning surfaces. Standard inks prepared in this WP will be by QUB and used in WP3.
- Work Package 2 (WP2) provides reproducible self-cleaning samples (glass, tiles, paints, concrete, fabrics) for round robin tests. These samples will be prepared by the different, mostly industrial partners, who are experts in their production. Prepared selfcleaning samples will be together with standard inks (WP1) used in WP3.
- Work Package 3 (WP3) consists in a series of round robin tests on different self-cleaning surfaces (glass, tiles, paints, concrete, fabrics) prepared in WP2, using photocatalyst indicator inks prepared in WP1. These trials will identify the best inks and protocol for each of the very differently coated substrates. Testing will be performed inside consortium by four academics and two industrial laboratories and the results will underpin WP4. No third parties will be involved in round robin tests.
- Work Package 4 (WP4) focus on the generation of an appropriate photocatalyst indicator ink based standard for a wide variety of different photocatalyst type materials, such as tiles, glass, paint, concrete and fabrics, for incorporation into the framework of CEN/TC386. Findings supported by round robin tests (WP3) will be presented to relevant CEN committee (TC386) and the feedback used to improve and optimise the prepared draft standard.
- Work Package 5 (WP5) catalogs and reports on the findings generated throughout the project and will provide and communicate a range of recommendations and information about photocatalyst indicator inks via a dedicated website and presentations to national an international standardisation bodies. This work package will also run two workshops for further training and knowledge exchange to groups working in the area of standardisation in photocatalysis and with an interest to utilise photocatalyst indicator ink technology.
- Work Package 6 (WP6) will ensure within the project that there is efficient scientific and administrational management and effective internal and external cooperation.