INTEC EU-FP7 Project

6th INTEC Final Meeting
5 June 2014
Prague, Czech Republic
More details
2nd Ink Workshop
3-4 June 2014
Prague, Czech Republic
Invitation, More details
INTEC paper in the most downloaded articles of J. Photol. Biol. A: Chem.
CEN TC386/WG7 Meeting
4 February 2014
Prague, Czech Republic
More details
5th INTEC Meeting
21 January 2014
Belfast, UK
1st Ink Workshop
9-10 January 2014
Belfast, UK
More details
4th INTEC Meeting
9 September 2013
Dublin, Ireland
3rd INTEC Meeting
28 June 2013
Prague, Czech Republic
SP4 2013
23-27 June 2013
Prague, Czech Republic
ISO Meeting (TC386)
29-31 May 2013
NSAI, Dublin, Ireland
Kick-off INTEC Meeting
21-22 January 2013
Prague, Czech Republic
Project Name:
Smart Inks as a Standard Testing Tool for Self Cleaning Surfaces (INTEC)
The INTEC project is medium-sized collaborative research a Coordination and Support Action funded by the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7) - "Cooperation", Theme 4: Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and New Production Technologies - NMP, topic Support for Standardisation Needs - Coordination Actions (FP7-NMP-2012-CSA-6).
The main scope of the INTEC project is to explore the utilisation of photocatalyst indicator inks in a CEN standard for the rapid testing (albeit semi quantitative) of the activities of various different self-cleaning surfaces, including: glass, tiles, paints, fabrics and concrete.
Four academic and two industrial partners from four different nations participate on the INTEC project: